IDPE's Schools' Fundraising and Engagement Benchmarking

IDPE's benchmarking reports provide a valuable overview of the the schools' development sector in the UK and are a key resource for all school leaders to compare and evaluate their existing fundraising and engagement programmes, identify strengths and areas for development, and make informed decisions on how to enhance their performance. Going forwards, we want to provide this valuable overview more frequently with an annual summary of schools' philanthropy and engagement to strengthen our voice as our members' advocates, and to enable us to share with you emerging trends and best practice. 


IDPE and Gifted Philanthropy Schools' Fundraising and Engagement Benchmarking Report 2023

Our 2023 report was designed to be a shorter update to the previous comprehensive 2022 report, providing a top-line overview of the development function within the education sector for the years 2021-2023. We are delighted that this 2023 report demonstrates that schools' development is thriving, and that, despite the challenging economic climate, schools that have invested in development have been able to realise significant philanthropic support to advance their strategic objectives and provide exceptional opportunities for young people in education.

Order a PDF of the 2023 report

IDPE members can view the 2023 update report in our members' resource library here. If you are not an IDPE member, you can purchase a PDF copy of the report for £10 here.


IDPE and Gifted Philanthropy Schools' Fundraising and Engagement Benchmarking Report 2022

Our 2022 report is the largest and most comprehensive study of schools' fundraising and engagement activity in the UK, covering the years 2018-2021. Once again, the report demonstrates the impact of successful development programmes in driving community engagement and philanthropic support, and transforming young people's lives.

Order your hard copy of the 2022 report

A PDF version of the 2022 report can be found in the IDPE members' resource library. To order a hard copy of the report, please fill in the order form here. The report costs £30 (inc.P&P to the UK). To request reports to be sent outside of the UK, please contact the IDPE office


Watch our 2022 benchmarking webinars

Benchmarking schools' development: all schools can achieve fundraising success

Watch now

Benchmarking schools' development: the right type of engagement is key

Watch now

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